ICRIT Supported Living
Supporting others to achieve their best.
ICRIT Supported Living (ISL) is the trading name for the Health and Social Care Provider registered as ICRIT limited.
Besides providing Housing Support for people with mental health and learning disabilty needs, the organisation operates a successful domiciliary care division that was established in 2014 and has since become one of Bolton’s go-to providers of home support.
At ICRIT, we endeavor to provide safe quality care that contributes to better overall Service User health, while saving both local and central government on overheads.
In contrast to high-cost clinical settings, the service contributes to the alleviation of treatment costs.
We provide care in residential settings and cost-effective housing-based interventions.
ICRIT aims to support people to have more control over lives.
Our objective is to work in partnership with those who use the service.
We also aim to provide the start of a journey to having a more fulfilled life.
Our commitment to quality is reflected in all our processes, from strategic planning, to service design and resourcing the operations.
Fittingly, the user is at the top of our hierarchy, all activities are directed at enabling and empowering them.
Service delivery is based on a multi -disciplinary contribution and centres on people that use the service including those that are significant to them.
Mental Health
Adults with Severe and Enduring mental Illness and Extra care Needs.
Our 24hr Supported Living for people with extra care needs aims to provide a comprehensive and individualised support package for service users with severe and enduring Mental illness.
Our interventions are based on a recovery and rehabilitation focused model, with all the clients receiving a ore package of support from a staff group which is located within the premises 24/7 and responds to needs as they arise.
Each individual has a support/ rehabilitation package which is tailored to meet their individual needs, goals and outcomes.
The main aim of the ICRIT Supported Living model is to maximise the potential of individuals with Severe and Enduring Mental illness within the community, who without the 24-hour support provided would otherwise encounter admissions and re-admissions to acute settings or may need to reside within long-stay provision such as hospital rehabilitation and nursing accommodations.
The ICRIT supported living model provides a step-down alternative for those clients who are in settings such as hospital rehabilitation and who are ready to step back into their own locality but require a level of intensive support.
We are also experienced in successfully managing clients moving from services where their placements may have broken down or where their needs are no longer being met.
Wyresdale House
Wyresdale House is part of our Mental Health division and provides support for people who may be living with severe and Enduring Mental Illnesses and behaviours which, due to their diagnosis may be seen as challenging.
Wyresdale House provides a setting which encourages individuals with complex mental health needs to lead a full and valued life, enabling them to live more independently.
This is achieved through a programme of active community engagement, developing meaningful social networks, managing risk and developing robust coping strategies.
We offer person centred focused interventions to support recovery to better health and greater independence.
We facilitate engagement in the community and the opportunity to develop new lifestyle choices to improve self-esteem and confidence and ensure people are living meaningful lives.
Learning Disability
Learning Disabilities – Adults with Complex Care Needs.
Our learning disability and autism services provide individualised support, 24 hours a day, seven days a week to adults with complex care needs.
Our services are specifically designed to provide small group or single person accommodation, as you would find in ordinary living settings.
We provide individualised care packages to people with learning disability and challenging behaviour who have additional complex needs such as autistic spectrum conditions, personality disorder and forensic backgrounds.
ICRIT Supported living services deliver specialist care that meets transforming care principles and tailored to individual needs, enabling people to lead independent meaningful lives as active members of the community.
We have experience of supporting people with complex conditions, needs and risks who display behaviours of concern and pose challenges for services, including those with highly complex and severe challenging behaviour.
Our ethos is built upon a shared belief that the person is central to everything we do, and we ensure we are responsive to service users changing needs, reviewing, and revising plans to meet these needs.
We value positive risk-taking opportunities within a context of robust risk assessment and management to ensure those we support are kept safe.
Hearten House
Hearten House is part of our learning disability and autism division and provides support for people who may be living with severe learning disabilities, autism and behaviours which, due to their diagnosis may be seen as challenging.
Clients may also have profound and multiple communication difficulties, sensory impairments, and physical health problems.
People may come to Hearten House as part of their care pathway.
They may also be currently living in the community, such as the family home or supported living but require more structured care and support.
Our aim is to provide a home in the heart of the local community, which promotes social inclusion through meaningful community engagement.
Residents are supported to develop social networks and engage in a range of activities to live purposeful lives.
We ensure residents are able to access all the facilities and resources they wish to, whilst keeping safe and having choice and control.
We deliver support with dignity and respect, achieve personalised outcomes.
Step Down - Semi-Independent Supported Living Services
Step down goals are considered from the point of initial assessment and all care pathways are developed in collaboration with the service user.
Progress against set goals and objectives are monitored through our quality assurance processes; where we work in close collaboration with Community Mental Health and Learning disability teams, Clinical Commissioning Groups, and the Local Authority to identify suitable step-down placements.
We recognise our responsibility for ensuring the safety of service users and the wider community when considering step-down from extra / intensive support services.
We work to identify and minimise clinical risk, provide a supportive environment and reduce stress and anxiety experienced during the step-down process.
Support is delivered on a person-centred basis, with an emphasis on helping service users to move towards independent accommodation.
Trained support workers are on hand for 12-hours during the day and will provide support with needs ranging from, tenancy, housing related issues to wellbeing.
We are available 24hrs, through our on-call services if needed.
Oakdale House
Oakdale House is part of our Mental Health division and provides support for people who may be living with severe and Enduring Mental Illnesses and behaviours which, due to their diagnosis may be seen as challenging.
Wyresdale House provides a setting which encourages individuals with complex mental health needs to lead a full and valued life, enabling them to live more independently.
This is achieved through a programme of active community engagement, developing meaningful social networks, managing risk, and developing robust coping strategies.
We offer person-centred focused interventions to support recovery to better health and greater independence.
We facilitate engagement in the community and the opportunity to develop new lifestyle choices to improve self-esteem and confidence and ensure people are living meaningful lives.
Criteria to apply for accommodation
Referral hotline 01204325013
Referrals can be made by Care Coordinators, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Resettlement Managers, Commissioners or Social Services for those people who do not receive support through a Care Plan Approach (CPA).
. To be considered for accommodation a person must:
∙ Be over 18 and needing single person accommodation.
∙ Have, or be recovering from, an enduring mental health issue or have learning disability.
∙ Need the type of housing support we provide
∙ Be able to use the supported housing service to make a positive difference in their life
∙ Not be a risk to the health, safety, and wellbeing of other tenants.