Support for Younger People
At ICRIT Healthcare we often get contacted to provide support for younger people enabling them to access the community, events and activities. Typically these clients are in receipt of Direct Payments for a small number of hours a week. The individuals often do not have complex needs but require that little bit of extra support in accessing society, need one to one companionship or play time, or just that watching eye whilst they engage with others.
Parents can't provide 7x24 support and still carry out their daily living tasks so our support is invaluable as it just gives that little bit of a break but equally allows the younger person to engage with others without their parents building confidence and awareness.
Our services can be provided in the home or out and about allowing the disabled young person socialise whilst we provide care or just monitor and maintain their safety and well-being.
To understand some of the activities we can assist with please visit our Home Care / Domiciliary page or alternatively get in touch and we will discuss options available.